by justbreathe | Nov 5, 2021 | Sleep Clinic, Sleep Professional, sleep specialist, Sleep Treatment Practice, Snoring Treatment
Are you tired of tossing and turning throughout the night? Do you often wake up feeling sleepy or even grumpy? Sounds like we might be talking about the seven dwarfs right? No, but you might be feeling like a couple of them after a few sleepless nights. If you are...
by justbreathe | Apr 23, 2021 | Sleep Professional, Snoring Treatment
Finding a healthy balance between our work, family life, and interests can feel like an impossible goal for many of us. Not only do we have a lack of balance in our lives but millions of Americans are also missing out on critical hours of sleep every day. So, the...
by justbreathe | Jan 18, 2021 | Sleep Professional, sleep specialist
Are you constantly tired? Do you think about going back to sleep throughout the day? If you do, you’re not alone. We all feel tired at some point in the day, but more than one-third of American adults report they get less sleep than they need on average,...